Here's Why And How Should We Support Small Businesses In Our Community

February 21, 2020

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April 30, 2020
Things You Can Do During Covid 19 Lockdown: Plan For Your Next Holiday

We’re all affected by COVID-19 in some way. In Malaysia, we’re entering the 7th week of our Movement Control Order. No doubt, times are t... Show More

December 10, 2019
Most Delicious Malaysian Food You Must Try In Kl

Heading to Kuala Lumpur and wondering where to eat? Kuala Lumpur, or more commonly known as ‘KL’ is a paradise for foodies and we can gua... Show More

April 2, 2020
8 Successful People You Probably Didn't Know Are From Malaysia

In light of recent events happening, we hope everyone is keeping safe at home! We know staying at home can sometimes be demotivating, so ... Show More

January 29, 2020
7 Islands In Malaysia You Must Visit At Least Once

With over 800 islands spread throughout the peninsula and Borneo, Malaysian islands are filled with world-class diving sites and untouche... Show More