5 Truly Local Malaysian Traditions You Should Experience

April 16, 2020

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March 24, 2020
10 Exotic Malaysian Fruits You Must Try

Here’s a handy list of exotic fruits with unique tastes and textures that you must try when you’re visiting Malaysia. Located near the eq... Show More

May 11, 2020
7 Lessons Learned From Travelling That Are Useful During The Covid19 Pandemic

The year 2020 has been full of surprises and challenges, and we’re not even half-way there. Some of us are taking a harder hit than other... Show More

August 19, 2020
Virtual Tourism: The New Norm In Travel

We may all be grounded right now due to the outbreak of Covid-19, but thanks to the wonders of technology, we are able to travel the worl... Show More

July 22, 2020
5 Underrated Road Trips For A Weekend Escape In Malaysia

After being cooped up for months, we are finally able to travel again! Well, domestically at least. But hey, you’ll be amazed at how much... Show More